Children in Year 3 have been invited to take part in the Sacramental Programme this year. Parents have received a number of dates for meetings and also for their child to work with committed parish members as they prepare for this special event. Here at school we will be supporting the parish by completing some of the work from the I Belong programme during lesson time.

For further information, please speak to the parish priest Fr Augustine or the Parish Secretary Maria Kenny who can be contacted at St Joseph’s Church on 01706 369777.

First Holy Communion 2024

On Sunday 12th and Sunday 19th May 2024 a number of our children celebrated their First Holy Communion at our parish church of Our Lady and St Joseph’s. 

Both Masses were very well attended and the children were impeccably behaved, showed great reverence throughout and enjoyed taking a full part in the Mass for the very first time, despite a few nerves! 

Mrs Dunne and the other staff present were so proud of them on their very special day. 

Congratulations to them all.