Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the History curriculum at St Joseph’s.

  • Our History curriculum is based on the National Curriculum objectives.
  • We have created a long-term whole school plan which ensures progression and complete coverage of local, British and world history.
  • We intend that all pupils develop an awareness of the past, knowledge of key vocabulary(use of word aware Goldilocks grids) and facts, and a deep understanding of chronology.
  • Throughout both KS1 and KS2, we aim for our pupils to ask and answer questions, use a range of sources which are age appropriate and develop the skills to make informed responses about how the past is constructed.
  • As children progress throughout the Key Stages, they will develop their understanding of change, cause, similarity and difference and significance, making links and giving some reasons for this.
  • Children to develop disciplinary skills and begin to think like an Historian, using sources as evidence to arrive at judgements.

Our History Subject Leader is Natalie Bellett.