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Religion Inspection (Section 48 Inspection) November 2016

I am pleased to announce the success of our recent Religion Inspection, which was held on Wednesday 9th November 2016. The full report is below and we would love for you to have a read and find out about the wonderful work going on here at St Joseph’s.

I would like to thank Mrs Green, Miss Martin and Miss Mitchell who have been our Religion Leaders over the past two years and have worked incredibly hard, with all of the staff and children, to help us to achieve this outcome.

As always the report reflects how hard our pupils work and how kind and considerate they are and how hard they try to walk in Jesus’ footsteps, which makes St Joseph’s such a fabulous place to be and helps us to be such a fantastic learning community!

I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I did. A brief summary of the 6 areas assessed against is:

Catholic Leadership – Outstanding

Word – Good

Welcome – Outstanding

Worship – Good

Welfare – Outstanding

Witness – Outstanding

Mrs C Dunne


Religion Inspection (Section 48 Inspection) November 2016