At St Joseph’s, we are proud to present the ‘Caritas Social Teaching Award,’ created to recognize those in our community who embody compassion and love through their actions. This award honors a staff member, student, family, or group who has made outstanding contributions through service and care for others.

At St Joseph’s, we celebrate faith in action by acknowledging individuals or groups each half term for their commitment to living out the values of love and service in their daily lives.

As the Bible reminds us, “Let all that you do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14). The ‘Caritas in Action’ award reflects the values that are central to our school, calling on all members of our community to work for the common good, seek justice, uphold the dignity of every person, and stand in solidarity with those most in need.

Launching the Caritas Award at St Joseph’s

Please click Caritas Award Launch to see the launch event presentation which was led by our GIFT team.  They were inspired by this special piece of Scripture:

“I will show you my faith by my deeds” James 2:18

Previous Caritas in Action Award Winners

The GIFT Team want to begin by thanking everyone for voting for children for the Caritas award this half term. It has been very difficult for us to choose a winner because there are so many of you that are putting love into action. But we had to pick only 1 winner for this new award.  

The winner of this award has been nominated by Connie Slater because she may have a little voice but she is always ready to stand up for what is right. She is kind, loving and a great friend.  

Our Caritas award winner is Ebony.  

Thank you for voting for a Caritas award winner this half term.  

This half term we have 2 winners! 1 child and 1 member of staff.  

The first winner of this award has been nominated because she is very kind and supportive to all her friends. She always has a smile on her face and she is always ready to help others.   

Our Caritas award winner for this half term is Karis.  

 Our second winner has been nominated because she spent some of her Easter break giving out Easter treats to the homeless.  

Our second winner is Mrs Statham.

It has been wonderful to read all of the reasons why children have been voted for the Caritas award this half term.   

The winner of this award has been nominated because he always plays nicely and is the definition of putting love into action.  

Our Caritas award winner for this half term is Hugo.

On our school jumpers, we have the phrase, ‘Caritas et Amor’. This is written in Latin which means where there is charity and love, God is there. So when you next choose to do something good for others remember that God is there.  

It has been wonderful to read all of your nominations for this half term.  

The winner of this award has been nominated because she is always kind, caring and a great role-model.  

Our Caritas award winner for this half term is Eliza.