Our curriculum is designed to immerse, challenge, engage and educate all pupils.  

Knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum are mapped out in our subject specific long-term plans. Subject leaders have ensured that skills are progressive and knowledge is built upon sequentially. For example, History knowledge is delivered chronologically throughout the school. 

From the long-term plans each half term is mapped out with enrichment opportunities and cross curricular links. 

Each half term is devoted to a ‘topic’ through which the children will explore and develop Geography, History and Art and Design knowledge and skills. The English curriculum is linked to this topic-based approach and the quality texts to be studied in the half term are the starting point of all learning, immersing the children in their topic of Anglo-Saxons for example or Rainforests. 

From the medium term topic overviews, a unit plan has been created, mapping out the knowledge to be taught that half term and the skills needed to achieve the knowledge. There is then a lesson by lesson overview of this topic, detailing specific vocabulary to be taught, the specific skills and retrieval activities. Knowledge is to be assessed throughout the topic, revisited as often as possible to embed and gained through an investigative approach as much as possible. The delivery of the knowledge by teachers is firmly rooted in the approaches laid out in Rosenshine’s Principles and subsequently the WALKTHRU training, staff have undergone. 

Discrete subjects taught separately from the overarching topic umbrellas: 

Maths follows the White Rose planning in conjunction with our own progression planning for mental and oral starters.  

Science is planned for separately using approaches from SEERIH and is investigation and big question centred.  

Computing follows the Teach Computing scheme. 

Spanish-the Primary Language Network. 

Music- Charanga music programme.