In April 2011 the Government introduced the Pupil Premium, which additional funding given to schools so that they can support their   disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.  Schools have the freedom to spend this funding as they see   fit based upon their knowledge of pupil needs.

For more information on the Support for children through Pupil Premium please go   to:

The Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils.

The funding will be used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers.

As far as its powers allow, the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupils Premium and others.

Impact of the use of Pupil Premium against the above objectives will be measured at the end of summer term.

The pupil premium is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years     (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.

The government believes that head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the pupil premium. They are held accountable for the decisions they make through:

  • the performance tables which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers
  • the Ofsted inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the pupil premium
  • the reports for parents that schools have to publish online

Please click on the sections below to learn more about how the Pupil Premium funding is allocated and used at our school: